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Ecco il comunicato ufficiale di EBU in merito alla imminente Coppa Europa BikeTrial 2011. Ricordiamo che per partecipare basta chiedere la Licenza BIU e che la prima Gara si svolgerà Sabato 12 Marzo 2011 a Torredembarra nei pressi di Barcellona. Valutate la possibilità di usufruire del servizio aereo Milano Orio al Serio - Barcellona con Ryanair. Il costo di andata e ritorno è veramente accessibile. Per ogni ulteriore informazione contattate Giuliano al numero 338 2746091 o scrivete a Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Dear BikeTrial Riders,

 A new season is just beginning and we are expecting our European events to take place in some nice regions.

 As usual there will be the European cup that will have 3 rounds, which will take place in Spain (12/03/2011), France (19/06/2011) and Italy (10/07/2011). At the end of this series, the results from every round will be counted and the final winners will be announced.

 The first 3 final winners from each category will receive special cups and diplomas from the European BikeTrial Union and the first 3 final riders from the Elite category can look forward to receiving prize money in the amount of – 1000, 500 and 300 euro from the UBU as well.


 Don’t hesitate and register in every round of the EC, to increase your chances of winning. Thanks to our international organizers you will be riding good sections, you will have a good time, get to know new countries and meet your sporting friends. The first event is in March.

 We wish you good luck and look forward to meeting you soon.